Monday, May 16, 2011

The price of a mistake

I wrote a previous post, that asked if hiring a decorator is affordable? Well, I read a post on my new favorite blog, Colour me Happy (I love it!!) that supported my point, so I thought is was worth writing about again, in more detail.

Paying a professional will help you to avoid making costly mistakes. One big mistake could far out weigh the price of hiring a decorator! My advice is to hire a decorator to avoid making the mistakes, you can't afford to make :)
Here is a quote from another article I recently read, "you should hire a professional to do anything that you can't do professionally yourself." That made perfect sense to me, we all hire professionals like accountants, plumbers, electricians, etc. why not a professional to do your decorating?
If you are looking for a design that reflects you, then contact me at to schedule a consultation.

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